A curated collection of artistic essentials and luxury fashion.  源於藝術美學發想的複合式高端精品品牌,融合當代與經典,詮釋新精品的低調文雅風格。


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來自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的簡約小眾包款品牌 Wandler 由 Elza Wandler 於 2017 年創立,在短短的一年期間已迅速成為社交媒體上最火紅品牌之一,從各大精品電商、歐美部落客及國外時尚人士的街拍便可知道它受寵的程度。

簡潔乾淨的線條、低調優雅的設計以及大膽的用色,讓 Wandler 成為既時髦又實用的日常包款,而獨特美感又帶點玩心的設計,造就了 Wandler 特有的優雅成熟卻又大膽與實驗精神的特質。

此次在 ART HAUS 特殊陳列空間也延續了 Wandler 玩心的特質,以螢光綠、白及咖啡三個品牌重點色為主軸。有趣的是在陳列台部分 ART HAUS 捨棄了一般最習以為常的顏料上色,分別加入填充物 ‐ 綠塑膠檸檬╱網球、白乒乓球╱紙杯、橘乒乓球╱紙捲筒等異材質,以型狀堆疊的方式呈現,創造出視覺豐富感。

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Wandler is a Dutch accessories label founded by Elza Wandler in 2017. Within a short year, Wandler rapidly became the IT bag for socialites. Its exposure on major shopping websites, fashion blogs and street shots by fashion celebrities proved its popularity.

With clean and elegant lines, understated designs and bold colors, Wandler bags are both chic and practical. The playful aesthetics is the backbone for Wandler’s unique elegant sophistication and experimental personality. 

The ART HAUS special display also highlights Wandler’s playfulness with its signature palette - neon green, white and brown. More interestingly, ART HAUS abandons the usual usage of colors but instead uses colors in stuffed materials like plastic green lemons / tennis balls, white ping pong balls / paper cups, orange ping pong balls / paper rolls. These materials are stacked to enrich the visual impact. 

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