Valextra MarVles COLLECTION
有「義大利愛馬仕」之稱的百年國寶級皮件 Valextra 推出跨界創意合作項目 MarVles 系列,為 EXTRAMILANO 合作系列的最後壓軸篇章,一同攜手活躍於國際設計界的西班牙建築設計師 Patricia Urquiola 和義大利頂級大理石品牌先驅 Budri 聯手打造獨一無二的全新聯名系列。以鑲嵌大理石做為應用,將Iside的設計與工藝完美融合,演繹精湛工藝與創新技術的匠心融合。
Valextra CEO Sara Ferrero, Alessandra Budri and Patricia Urquiola
MarVles 系列核心設計以限量版Iside手提袋出發,將 Patricia Urquiola 的獨特審美感與 Valextra 和 Budri 的精湛頂級工藝相結合。Valextra 的設計靈感和對極致工藝,透過獨特創造力交乘之下,充分發揮,得以實現。
FUSE - Maniglia Marmo (Pink)
EDGE - Maniglia Marmo (Rosso)
全新系列共包含Fuse,Arch,Edge三個系列,採用獨特的鑲嵌皮革工藝,搭配全新設計的大理石手把和扣飾。Fuse以自然平滑的曲線,呈現大理石岩層的原生形態;Arch系列採用交疊的拱形設計,玩轉幾何美感;Edge系列則以棱角分明的線條,將未來主義與藝術裝飾(ART DECO)風格巧妙結合。整個系列的設計同時充滿了瑪瑙紋理,運用大理石再現天然層次感。設計具有建築的三維概念出發,受到米蘭城中宮殿的標誌性門廊建築啟發,縮小比例截取精隨,代表結合複雜技術和富有遠見的創造力的過程。
ARCH - Fibbia Marmo (Verde)
ARCH - Intarsio Pelle (Menta)
Valextra presents MarVles: a multidisciplinary project in collaboration with internationally acclaimed designer and architect Patricia Urquiola and marble masters Budri, resulting in a unique blend of craftsmanship and technology. The collection will be presented in Milan at the Valextra store in Via Manzoni and also globally through a short film by Federico Pepe and Le Dictateur Studio.
ART HAUS Valextra MarVles Collection Trunk Show
This is a new and final step in the series of creative collaborations presented earlier this year through ExtraMilano, celebrating the meeting of minds and talents typical of the Milanese attitude. In early 2020, Valextra worked with Massimo Alba, La Double J, Plan C, Arthur Arbesser and Sunnei, highlighting a community of independent fashion entrepreneurs.
This project too comes from a remarkably Milanese dialogue between three visionary women: Valextra CEO Sara Ferrero, Alessandra Budri and Patricia Urquiola, who worked together mixing creativity, culture, craftsmanship and technology.
Flower arrangement by opm florist
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