Astier de Villatte for Chinese New Year Selection
新春居家佈置迎來新意,ART HAUS 為迎接新年到來,將以 Astier de Villatte 獨一無二餐瓷系列與花器做為新春布置重點,想像著過年充滿喜氣的氣氛,與家人團聚的時刻。
以充滿法式古典優雅的花器類品,特別規劃與 Salon Flowers 合作,使用季節最漂亮的植物,打造優雅又充滿春意的年節花藝;更與迪化街家族傳承之合興壹玖肆柒,以桂花豆沙鬆糕與年節傳統點心,交互之下,呈現新春年節氣氛 Astier de Villatte 餐桌擺設新樣貌。
New ideas for spring time home decoration: ART HAUS welcomes the new year with distinctive Astier de Villatte ceramic dinnerware pieces and vases that spice up the New Year festivities and family gatherings.
Classic and elegant vases are adorned with floral arrangements from Salon Flowers, from a special collaboration, to create elegant floral works for the spring holidays.
Tablewares are filled with Steamed Red Bean Rice Cake With Osmanthus and holiday delicacies from Hoshing 1947 - a traditional Chinese pastry shop on Dihua Street. Traditions fuse with classic aesthetics on the dinner table for a refreshing festivity this New Year with Astier de Villatte.
Flower arrangement by Salon Flowers
│ART HAUS 台北信義新天地A4旗艦店│