A curated collection of artistic essentials and luxury fashion.  源於藝術美學發想的複合式高端精品品牌,融合當代與經典,詮釋新精品的低調文雅風格。



有義大利國寶級皮件品牌之稱的 Valextra 以極簡的設計及頂級的質感成為許多時尚內行人的夢幻逸品。Valextra 2018 秋冬奇幻森林系列展現既自然又超現實的奇幻場域,將童話般的感覺引入日常生活。大自然與魔法融合如同神話故事般中幻想森林,從早秋的寶石綠新色作為序曲,期待秋冬撞色系列以及全新長毛提把,還有趣味配件。本季手袋飾以精美皮革拼嵌的豐富幾何圖案,演繹出繽紛的色彩搭配。而在這些色彩組合中,均加以鮮明的亮藍、黃色和紅色點綴,宛若森林中的螢火蟲,時隱時現,為精美的幾何圖案更添活潑。


Known for its extreme luxurious designs, Valextra’s simply elegant designs and outstanding materials and craftsmanship make its products extremely exclusive for fashion insiders.  2018 Fall-Winter collection for Valextra is a collection of fantasy forest that brings a fairytale aura into our daily lives with natural and surreal designs. Elements from the nature and magical world combine into a fairytale forest with gem green as the prologue of the collection, featuring clashing colors and brand new wool-covered handles as well as other interesting accessories. In the latest collection, handbags are adorned with patchworks of geometric patterns to interpret a vibrant palette with pops of bright blue, yellow and red. Appearing here and there, these colors are like firebugs in the night, adding a sense of energy to the design.