Frédéric Malle - Uncut Gem
Uncut Gem 粗獷而細膩的男性香水
ART HAUS 獨家法國頂級香氛 Frédéric Malle,2022 全新男款香水 Uncut Gem。Uncut Gem 帶有原始風格卻又細膩的香味,經典而創新,不但留下強烈的第一印象,更留下無限餘韻。即日起 ART HAUS 台北新光三越 A4 旗艦店與 THE SPAACE 線上商城同步販售。
睽違近一年 Frédéric Malle 推出由調香師 Maurice Roucel 為香氛界的傳奇人物 ,不僅是Frédéric Malle 最早合作的對象。他創造出狂野麝香 Musc Ravegeur 等眾多經典香水。其後,Maurice Roucel 在實驗室創作出他自身使用的日常香氛,令人印象深刻的香氣深受 Frédéric Malle 的喜愛,經過 5 年不斷的溝通後,調香師終於同意與 Frédéric Malle 攜手合作,將此獨特香氣化為品牌全新 Uncut Gem 淡香精。
UNCUT GEM (50ml)
UNCUT GEM (100ml)
Frédéric Malle 表示:「Uncut Gem 充滿個性與魅力,令人難以抗拒。」並描述它像一款「貼在臉上」的香水,他希望 Uncut Gem 可以表現得更為大膽,其背後的創作理念在 Malle 如何創造出一種描繪粗獷男人的香味:以生薑、佛手柑、鮮橙、當歸根和肉荳蔻,組合成清新辛辣的前調鋪陳,緊接著基調皮革、香根草、乳香、琥珀、麝香散發,溫暖乾淨的調性在肌膚上留下深刻的印記,使皮膚的氣味更深層、溫暖、單純。Uncut Gem 是一款粗獷而細膩、經典而清新,充滿對比的男性香水。
ART HAUS introduces an exclusive fragrance for men by premium French perfumer Frédéric Malle - all new 2022 men’s fragrance Uncut Gem. With an original yet delicate scent, Uncut Gem is both classic and innovative, leaving not only a strong first impression that lingers steadily. The unique fragrance is now available at ART HAUS flagship store at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A4 and THE SPAACE online store.
After a year of breathless anticipation, Frédéric Malle introduces the latest fragrance by the legendary perfume artist Maurice Roucel. Maurice Roucel was one of the very early collaborators for Frédéric Malle. He had created numerous classic scents, including Musc Ravegeur and more. Later, Maurice Roucel developed his personal day scent in his lab. And Frédéric Malle was infinitely intrigued by this scent. After five years of persuasion, Roucel agreed to work with Malle to create the brand new Uncut Gem.
“Uncut Gem is a very charismatic fragrance that is absolutely irresistible,” says Frédéric Malle. He describes it as a “skin-like” fragrance that can be daring and dashing. The idea behind the fragrance is the desire to create a scent for a rugged and masculine man: Ginger, bergamot, Mandarin orange, Angelique root and nutmeg are used as the top note for a refreshing and spicy top note, followed by notes of leather, vetiver, Cistus Labdanum, amber, and musk. The warm and clean notes leave an unforgettable mark on the skin, deepening the fragrance through time with its warmth and simplicity. Uncut Gem is rugged yet refined, classic yet refreshing, a men’s fragrance that is filled with contradictions.
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