Frédéric Malle - Synthetic Jungle
全新 “SYNTHETIC JUNGLE 綠野之境” 重新定義自然
Frédéric Malle 香水系列在睽違 2 年後,2021 推出新款香調 - SYNTHETIC JUNGLE 綠野之境。素有大自然的建築師之稱的調香師 Anne Flipo 沿著花果草木的脈絡獲取綠色靈感,大膽的搭配人造材料,重新定義自然,構建了一個超現實主義的虛擬叢林。以合成的概念,循著綠野清新軌跡,在嗅覺的夢幻中體驗似真似幻的自然叢林。
SYNTHETIC JUNGLE 綠野之境在大自然中汲取靈感,合成、天然成分互補,營造出一半真實,一半虛擬的叢林。融合了羅勒、風信子、茉莉、依蘭、鈴蘭的前調,揮灑的瞬間將人拉入溫暖的森林。黑醋栗和蘇合香的中調,是調香師 Anne Flipo 對自然記憶的味道。廣藿香和青苔的尾韻,像山谷中的霧氣,混著泥土青苔,存在空靈又深沉的餘韻。就像是藝術創作,融合了調香師對自然的理解和合成材料造就的獨特作品,才讓綠野之境這款香水的氛圍如此雋永。
New “SYNTHETIC JUNGLE” redefines nature
After two years, Frédéric Malle presents a new fragrance - SYNTHETIC JUNGLE. Reputed as an architect of the nature, perfumer Anne Flipo traces the paths of the greenery world and boldly combines with synthetic materials to redefine the world of nature in a surreal imagined jungle world with this brand new fragrance. Through a synthetic concept, the fragrance follows the tracks of the greens for an olfactory experience that is both real and dreamy.
ART HAUS Frédéric Malle Synthetic Jungle Collection Display
SYNTHETIC JUNGLE finds inspiration in the natural world with complementing elements from synthetic and natural ingredients. Fusing basil, hyacinthus, jasmine, ylang ylang, lilies of the valley as the top note, the fragrance brings us into a warm forest. The middle tone of black currant and storax is the scent from Anne Flipo’s memory of the nature. The lingering note of pachouli and moss creates a misty scent that is mixed with the moss from the soil - both ethereal and deep. It’s like a piece of artwork that reveals the perfumer’s understanding of the nature and synthetic materials. This unique creation eternalizes the landscape of the green world.
│ART HAUS 台北信義新天地A4旗艦店│