A curated collection of artistic essentials and luxury fashion.  源於藝術美學發想的複合式高端精品品牌,融合當代與經典,詮釋新精品的低調文雅風格。

Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle


Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle 由 Frédéric Malle 本人創立,他被認為是當代最偉大的香水專家之一。祖父是 Parfums Christian Dior 的創始人,母親則擔任藝術總監一職。耳濡目染之下,香味是必需品,更是一門藝術。他邀請世上最專業調香師,以「主編」的身分引導調香師們創造屬於他們的香味,並給予他們充分的自由創作空間,造就出一系列藝術品般的香水,成為業界公認最自由的香水品牌。Frédéric Malle 堅持不找知名品牌大使、沒有華麗的包裝、更沒有聲勢浩大的發表會,只因他深信好的香水會為自己說話。

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Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle 香水系列除了是香氛迷的必要收藏外,全新的身體保養系列更是不能錯過的商品。延續既有的香水系列香調,甫推出的沐浴露、沐浴乳、身體乳液、身體乳霜、髮香噴霧及護手霜,能讓喜愛的香味更加持久。沐浴乳內含有夏威夷果油、甘油,可達到同時清潔和軟化皮膚的效果;髮香噴霧是原始香水配方的輕巧版,旨在為頭髮增添香氣和精緻的清新感。


除了身體清潔保養系列,ART HAUS 更引進了室內空間系列,包括香氛蠟燭與燭室內噴霧,噴灑幾次就能改變空間氣氛,就像更換牆紙一樣!而最受歡迎的香水系列現在也推出 30ml 的小容量!適合給喜愛嘗試多種味道,擔心大容量又用不完的香氛迷們,小巧容量方便攜帶,是新手入門的最佳選擇。

ART HAUS 新光三越 A4 旗艦店的香氛密室擴大改裝 Frédéric Malle 全系列專區,完整提供香水、室內香氛、身體保養清潔等系列商品,帶著您一起感受香水藝術家的世界! 


Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle was founded by Frédéric Malle. He is seen asone of the greatest perfume designers in modern time. Frédéric Malle was born into a French family of industrialists, artists and perfumers. His grandfather, Serge Hefler-Louiche, was the founder of Parfums Christian Dior and an emblem of France’s perfume legacy; Frédéric’s mother was the Art Director over this department. For him, perfumes are not only necessities in life but also an art form. Frédéric handpicks the world’s best perfumers. As their editor, he guides them individually with unbound freedom to create perfumes that are unique. Each one an exquisite form of art. Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle is for sure a perfume brand joys the highest degree of creative freedom.

No ambassador the perfumes, glamorous packaging, or expensive product launch for Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle, Frédéric Malle believes perfumes will speak for themselves.


Perfumes at Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle are purely collector’s items, of course. But the brand new body care collection are not to be missed either. Being true to the fragrance of the perfumes, the newly released body wash, shower cream, body butter, body milk, body and hair oil, hair mist and hand cream help the fragrance to sustain longer. Macadamia nut oil and shea butter formulated into the body milk cleanse and soften the skin, while hair mist is made with the same composition from the perfume so the hair stays fragrant and fresh.


In addition to the body care products, ART HAUS also introduces the home products by Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle such as candles and perfume guns. Spray and change the ambiance, just like changing the wallpaper!


Inside ART HAUS flagship store at SKM A4, a special area reserved for Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle showcases its perfumes, home fragrance, body care and cleaning products. Please visit the store and immerse yourself into the artful world of Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle!


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