農曆新年即將來到,除舊佈新之際好好購置家中擺飾也是一門學問!ART HAUS 推薦店內 Astier de Villatte 獨具品牌特色的瓷器系列為今年新春的主要品牌。
以三支優雅龍首為腳的寬口花瓶,新銳花店「一器一花」在插花師 Yuan 的巧手之下,將火紅的火鶴、天堂鳥、紅柳、文心蘭、樹蘭、貓柳打造優雅也不失新春氛圍的年節花藝,更加入東方糕點與春節常見的蘋果與橘子點綴出一張新春年節的 Astier de Villatte 餐桌擺設。
Setsuko 貓咪馬克杯
Astier de Villate為法國質感生活品牌,以獨特的黑土製作再上白釉的技術,製作出透出黑點的純白陶瓷,亦有發展傢俱、紙製品與香氛蠟燭等品項,打造出獨一無二的品牌風格,迅速在巴黎成為主要的陶瓷製造商,ART HAUS 引進了經典陶瓷和香氛系列,讓您輕鬆擁有法式且獨特的家居用品。
Fleurs 點心盤
Victor 大湯盤
The Lunar New Year is approaching, and it's a time to refresh and adorn your home. ART HAUS recommends Astier de Villatte's unique ceramics as the main brand for this year's Spring Festival.
Featuring wide-mouthed vases with elegant dragon heads, the avant-garde florist “Yi Chi Yi Hua,” under the skill of floral designer Yuan, crafts elegant yet festive floral arrangements for the Lunar New Year, incorporating vibrant anthuriums, bird of paradise flowers, rose willows, oncidiums, orchids, and cattails willows. Additionally, we set eastern style pastries and common Lunar New Year fruits like apples and oranges to accentuate Astier de Villatte's table settings for the new year.
Astier de Villate is a French lifestyle brand known for its quality craftsmanship. Utilizing a unique technique of applying white glaze over black clay, they produce pure white ceramics with visible black dots. In addition to ceramics, they also develop furniture, paper products, and scented candles, creating a distinctive brand style. Quickly becoming a major ceramic manufacturer in Paris, ART HAUS has introduced classic ceramics and fragrance collections for years, allowing you to effortlessly enjoy French-style and unique home goods.
Flower arrangement by Yi Chi Yi Hua / Photography by April Chang
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