2023春夏,JACQUEMUS 首次在台灣與 ART HAUS 攜手開設期間限定店,這樣別具意義的合作,相信能為台灣的時尚圈注入更多活力。 本次期間限定店由 JACQUEMUS 設計團隊全力呈現 2023 春夏系列 LE RAPHIA 秀場概念,以薄紗與光線的交錯運用打造浪漫的渡假氣息與 Simon 的夏日回憶。
店中鋪滿米白色毛絨地毯與品牌經典的中性色調呼應,在櫥窗方面,零時差的將秀場上的薄紗和燈光完美移植,打造夕陽般的光影,其中兩座人型模特兒配有旋轉底臺,從 360 度各個面向展示本次系列的精巧設計。在另一側更獨家打造品牌熱門配件展示牆,共 56 個展示架提供豐富與完整的 JACQUEMUS 配件全系列以供選擇。
本次2023 LE RAPHIA 春夏系列選入男女服裝配件,除了有季節最新款式外,也有許多品牌經典的主打包款。
男裝選入多款變形蟲、春夏季節印花單品呈現 JACQUEMUS 男裝的渡假氣息,休閒的 Logo 運動套裝能符合男士對於舒適服裝的追求。配件方面則有 Le Chiquito Homme 迷你手提包、Le Porte Jacquemus 掛脖式小皮件、Le Cuerda Horizontal 斜背包、Le Seau Gros Grain 水桶包與多款漁夫帽和棒球帽。
女裝則將伸展台上的服裝帶到店內,多種秀上款式可以選購,也有品牌的經典不對稱剪裁或是簡約且體現春夏風格的單品。配件方面主打本季兩款全新包款:Le Bambimou 和 Le Bisou。也有選入季節包款如:強調回歸手感工藝的編織水桶肩背包、拉菲草手提包、Logo 鎖頭包和多款熱門經典 Le Bambino 肩背包。
Le Bambimou (Light Pink)
Le Bisou Perle (Dusty Yellow)
2023 Spring Summer, The new JACQUEMUS temporary boutique in collaboration with ART HAUS, is the very first time to open a temporary boutique in Taiwan, will for sure adds a fresh energy to Taiwan’s fashion scene.
The temporary boutique, furnished by the JACQUEMUS design team, fully reflects the concept of the brand’s 2023 Spring/Summer fashion show – LE RAPHIA, which successfully recreated a romantic resort spirit and Simon’s dream through the play of tulles and lights.
Inside the store, off-white plush carpets echo the brand's classic neutral palettes. At the same time, in the window display, the tulle and lighting on the runway are perfectly transported here to create a sunset-like ambiance. Two of the mannequins that were shipped directly from France features portable base, allowing a 360-degree view of the displayed looks. At the other end of the store, a display wall showcases the key accessories. The 56 display cases offer a comprehensive selection of JACQUEMUS accessory collection.
Men’s pieces, in paisley and seasonal prints, reflect a resort spirit. Casual Logo sportswear fulfills gentlemen’s need for comfortable attire. Accessories include Le Chiquito Homme mini handbag, Le Porte Jacquemus hanging wallet, Le Cuerda Horizontal messenger bag, Le Seau Gros Grain bucket bag, and numerous fishing hats and baseball caps.
Women’s looks are directly from the fashion show. Apart from these show looks, classic pieces such as the iconic asymmetrically tailored or the minimalistic pieces from the spring and summer collection are also available. Women’s accessories include the two new key bags: Le Bambimou and Le Bisou. In addition, a wide selection of seasonal bags are also available, including woven bucket shoulder bag, Raffia handbag, Logo padlock bag and numerous classic Le Bambino shoulder bags.
即日起至 2023 年 5 月 15 日
│ART HAUS 台北信義新天地 A4 旗艦店│
台北市信義區松高路 19 號 2F