A curated collection of artistic essentials and luxury fashion.  源於藝術美學發想的複合式高端精品品牌,融合當代與經典,詮釋新精品的低調文雅風格。


ART HAUS 尋找有能力的人才,希望他們帶來豐富的人生體驗和卓越的想法。我們培養具有好奇心的員工,他們與我們一樣熱愛設計,願意在所有領域進行敏銳的探索。我們重視多元化的工作環境。不管是哪種性別、種族、身心障礙與否、性別取向多元者,皆歡迎加入我們。 我們深信一個公平與包容的工作環境,和一個多元化且賦權的團隊才是達成我們使命的關鍵要素。

ART HAUS is committed to attracting, developing and retaining the very best people by offering a creative and inclusive workplace where talent is truly recognised and rewarded. We are committed to promoting inclusion for all with the belief that diversity, inclusion and belonging plays an important role in the success of our organisation. We actively encourage everyone to consider becoming a part of our journey.